Monday, 21 December 2009

This is my final double page spread. I am really happy with what I have produced and again I feel that it fits in well with the colours and style of the contents page and front cover.

Thursday, 10 December 2009

I made a draft plan of where I want to place everything on my double page spread, this will help me position pictures etc. when I come to make it.

Monday, 7 December 2009

This printscreen is of my screen when I was working on my contents page. It includes the layers panel and the effects toolbox which i used to add glows. I used this as it help certain areas standout.

This is the layer panel at the right hand side of my photoshop screen. It shows all the text, images and colours aswell as the effects I used.
This is the contents page of my music magazine. I'm pleased with the final result and feel that it fits in well with the cover as there are similar text and colours used.

Tuesday, 1 December 2009

This is a print screen of my computer screen, it includes me working on my front cover, the layers panel at the side and the effects toolbox which is used to change colour and add glow etc.
For my front cover I used a lot of different texts, so I included a print screen of my layers panel at the right hand side of the photoshop screen, that displays all of the ones I used.
This is my final copy of my front cover. I'm really happy with the result and think that it looks really good.

Monday, 23 November 2009

I did a photoshoot where I took images for my front cover for the music magazine. I was happy with the photos I took and had a lot of choice over which ones to use. The only problem I have is that I will have to edit the background out which may take a while.

Friday, 20 November 2009

For my music magazine I made draft designs of where I wanted everything positioned on my final copy.

Thursday, 19 November 2009

Once I recieved my questionnaires back I put them into pie charts so that I could see what was more popular etc. For this is used Ecxel so that i could lay it out using the spreadsheet.
I made a questionnaire that I passed around to people in my class, I asked questionnaires such as what font do you prefer and also did some research on what aspect of a magazine they prefer. I asked questions such as what do you font style do you think is the best?, Aswell as questions like how much are you willing to pay?

Friday, 13 November 2009

In todays lesson I looked at a double page spread in a music magazine and made an analysis on it, I then made a music magazine proposal of what I would like to use in my magazine and what I would like to call it etc.
I looked at some music magazine websites and compaired the differences between the magazine and the website. I looked at Kerrang and Q magazine.

Thursday, 12 November 2009

I looked at Q magazine and MOJO magazine front covers and analysed each of them, looking at who they were targeted at and the use of colour etc.

Monday, 9 November 2009

To start off my music magazine I made a mindmap of different music genres and also got front cover images from different music magazines. These covers gave me inspiration as to what a front cover should look like.

Friday, 6 November 2009

On this printscreen of my screen i have open my school magaizine front cover, the layer panel and the effects toolbox. I used the effects toolbox to add the multicoloured rainbow effects to the writing and also to give it a glow to stand out.
Here is a print screen of my layers panel, in photoshop. It shows all the different fonts and effects that I use dfor teh front cover.

I finished my music magazine today. I think that it looks good and appeals to students.

Monday, 2 November 2009

For a mini lesson task, we made a six picture story board. I chose to use the lift, so I had the person waiting for teh lift, getting in, pressing the buttons, travelling up and then stepping out. I think that my story is easy to follow and that it is clear what is happening. I also think that the overall quality of the pictures are good.

For my school magazine I took a few photos, I focused on aiming the pictures towards younger students. The picture that I chose I will use to cover the whole of the magazine front cover.

Friday, 9 October 2009


Today i continued making the front cover for my school magazine. I used photoshop and learnt how to use the tools at the side last week with a workshop. I have used tools such as the marquee tool, and have learnt how to arrange my layers so that they are in the correct position. I have nearly finished and i should be able to complete it by next week.